EdD Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Environments | Ana G. Méndez University

EdD Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Environments

Doctor of Education with specialization in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Environments

The Doctoral program in Education with specialization in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Environments has the purpose to prepare a professional with the theoretical and practical knowledge that will allow students to apply the principles and foundations of the curriculum in the design, implementation and evaluation of educational programs. The learning environments in this doctoral program provide an approach to the curricular aspects that affect the training of the curriculum specialist in the selected study environment.

General Requirements for Admission into Doctoral Programs:

  1. The applicant must submit an official transcript, providing evidence of an earned master’s degree with a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.30.
  2. Present an Essay.
  3. Present updated curriculum vitae or resume.

Additional requirements may apply to specific academic programs.

If the applicant is enrolling in a bilingual program, before enrolling in any course, applicant may be required to take a language proficiency assessment. Please refer to the AGMU Language Placement Protocol and the Transfer Credit Policy.

*VA/Military benefits approved program.